Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Usbong Update (Aug. 26, 2013): New Domain Name, Blog page, Logo trademarked

Hi everyone,
It's been awhile since our last Usbong update,
but rest assured we are definitely still alive and kicking.

These past few weeks, the team and I
have been working on Usbong: FITS,
i.e. Usbong: Forest In The Sky,
which is a website where people can 
upload and download usbong trees.

It's still a work-in-progress, and 
I hope to share with you screenshots
as soon as we can get them ready.

Tasks accomplished:

Incidentally, I'll be conducting an Usbong workshop on Aug. 27, 2013
from 1500 to 1630, at CTC313 (Ateneo de Manila University).

The focus is on creating Digital Manga using Usbong.
This is in line with the Japanese Studies Program Festival 2013.

Do let me know if you want to drop by. It's free.
